Lego Batman trailer dropped today or at least the "teaser", and it's safe to call it thoroughly unexciting and unfunny.
Take a look below and see what I mean.
The intro beatbox was obviously a bit attempt to provide humour yet it fails hard with a vengeance, hint: Humour doesn't equal namedropping slang words. Isn't any one tired of this shtick millennials keep shoehorning in? Then there's some casually mentioning of Batman and Robin in the same sentence as The Dark Knight - they really went there, and some boring arse scene where Batman is microwaving lobster that I think is supposed to be funny... Pausing for ages and then making some blip bloop sound doesn't mean funny. At least not on this planet. There is also the placement of hip hop music because it's the go-to safe crowd pleasing choice because millennials exist. On top of all this, Seth Grahame Smith obviously can't write good humour despite his best attempts so in conclusion I smell this as a stinker a mile away, and come release I believe this'll not be close to quality entertainment The Lego Movie was.